Opportunities to Grow

I recently came across a quote that is often credited to Thomas Edison.  It says that “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

There’s a lot of truth to this.  We live in a world where people often look for easy solutions to their problems and challenges.  In a world where many individuals expect quick, high levels of service, we often become impatient when things don’t arrive on time, or our lives don’t go on a schedule that we planned out.

Thinking about this, how often do you and I make plans?  Even when our ideas seem honorable and God-pleasing, we often run quickly towards the direction that we have determined that we want to go in.

Yet, how often does life turn out differently than what we were expecting?  Perhaps, you or a loved one gets a health diagnosis that isn’t wanted.  You may have problems with a child – or are unable to have children.  Maybe a job or career didn’t go the way you had expected it to go.

The reality is that life is messy – it doesn’t normally go as planned.  Or does it?  Perhaps not by our plans – but how often do we stop and surrender our plans to God?  Do we submit our will to Him?  After all, He is the one who created us and gives us purpose – to love and honor Him.

Proverbs 3, verses 5-6, tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” 

Our wills and plans don’t always align with God’s.  This has been a discussion that my wife and I have had many times.  When we got married, our plan was to have several children.  Many years later, God has blessed us with one son and allowed him to be gifted with ADHD.  It’s through his struggles and successes that my wife and I are learning compassion and gentleness in ways that we may not have otherwise.

Likewise, I have often dreamed of having a fleet of trucks – since I was a toddler.  Now, several decades later, that goal often seems to be an unattainable dream – although I do know that God can still make that happen, if He desires to.  It does leave me asking if having trucks was my plan, or was it God’s?

My wife and I have talked many times about God’s plans.  Are our goals so important to us that we put them ahead of Him?  Neither of us wants our plans to come between us and our Father – and we definitely don’t want to miss out on what He might do in our lives.  The reality is that God will always work out His plans – whether we cooperate with Him or not.  Do we want to be in the center of God’s will, or does He have to use someone else to fulfill the purpose that was meant for us?

Opportunities are often found in surrender.  It’s only when we allow our plans and goals to be molded by God, and not by us, that He can fully use us.  The choice is ours.  God told Isaiah, in Isaiah 19, concerning the Israelites during their Babylonian captivity, that He was making a way through the wilderness. 

What often looks like a missed opportunity may be a blessing in disguise. Would our lives always honor God if our plans worked out how we thought that they should? Perhaps, it’s the Father’s mercy that prevents some of our goals to come to fruition.

When we patiently seek God’s plans, He will always lead us out of our “wilderness.”  Let’s draw close to the Father and trust Him for the opportunities that He desires to give us.

 Have a great day!  😊


A Question of Thankfulness

How thankful are we? 

As we recently celebrated Thanksgiving, I’ve been thinking about this holiday.  It’s something that many of us probably give at least a little thought to – especially when our minds wander to the foods of the season, and the family and friends who we will most likely see over the next few weeks at get-togethers. 

Yet, how often do we think about Thanksgiving?  Not the holiday, but the act of being thankful – and acknowledging our gratitude to God for the blessings that He has given us. 

Each day, you and I are surrounded by blessings.  We may realize those opportunities in the moment.  In fact, many people talk about how blessed they are – especially when things seem to be going well in their lives.  However, those gifts – our blessings – may be disguised in circumstances that on the outside appear to be problematic.  Yet, every encounter has the ability to be a cause for thankfulness – if we’re willing to entertain that idea. 

Thinking about Thanksgiving, many of us can easily count our blessings when loved ones are seated around us at a table loaded with delicious foods.  We’re caught up in the momentary sights, smells, sounds and other pleasures that come from such memorable experiences. 

Yet, thanksgiving – gratitude, should extend well beyond that single deal or event, shouldn’t it?  In fact, America celebrates that holiday just a few weeks before Christmas – when millions of people around the world remember the birth of Christ, some two thousand years ago. 

The story of the birth of Jesus should cause each one of us to pause and be filled with gratitude.  Consider how He gave up His position in Heaven to come and be born in a barn – or possibly a cave, as some historians believe that early stable to have been built in.  It’s hard to fathom how the King could give up His throne in Heaven, for a makeshift baby’s crib made from a manger – an animal’s feed trough.   

Life doesn’t always go the way that we think that it should.  We all have experienced pain and trials in life – with some realizing more grief and despair than others.  Even Christ shared in these feelings.  He felt hurt by people who had called themselves “friends.”  In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus felt despair as He agonized over what the next few days held for Him.  Then on the cross, the Savior felt abandoned as God allowed Him to suffer for our sins.   

Friend, I’m sure that we will never know the level of pain and suffering that Jesus felt.  We will lose loved ones, and our own lives will one day come to an end, but you and I will never have to feel the abandonment of God – unless we desert Him. 

Our thankfulness shouldn’t be reserved to only one day a year.  Rather, there are opportunities – even small ones, that we’re presented with each day to be grateful for.  Even in the moments that are hard, you and I can still give thanks to God with a grateful – thankful – heart.  It’s in recognizing those blessings that we can honor our King, while showing His love to others. 

Have a great day! 😊

An Autumn Anniversary

Many of us have read, or at least heard of, the “love” verses found in 1 Corinthians 13.  We know that love is patient, kind, and not envious or boastful.  It always protects and looks out for the other person.  

When we make our marriage vows to our spouses, the future isn’t known.  You and I don’t know what illnesses, struggles or other issues may arise in the years to follow.  This simple fact, many would say, has the ability to tear couples apart or help them draw closer together.  But really, every marriage has its ups and downs – and if I’ve learned anything in marriage, the only true thing that can hold any relationship together is when both people make God the center of their union.

Today, my wife and I celebrate another year of marriage.  Like every relationship, we’ve had to grow together – learning what it means to serve one another.  We have our issues that we don’t always agree on – but we strive to put God at the center of our marriage.  He is faithful and good.

I’ve been reminded of this hundreds of times over the years.  Even this past week, His steadfast love has been seen by my wife and me.  As I looked at some possible future decisions, a door was closed – pretty abruptly.  Although it brought both of us a great deal of frustration, my wife gently reminded me that that must not be where God is leading – and that He loves me – and us – too much to go down that road.

This time of the year is our favorite – and was a reason why we selected an autumn wedding in the first place.  I was reminded of this today, on the first day of fall, as my wife and I took our son to pick up some seasonal decorations.  As we selected mums, gourds and pumpkins, I was reminded again of the blessing that my wife is to me.  She adds so much color and beauty to my life as she seeks daily to show me and our son God’s love.

In a world that often places value on what we can get out of love or marriage, let me challenge you. Instead of trying to see what you and I can receive, shouldn’t we look to see how much we can give? The perfect example of love was shown to us when Christ came to die for you and me. His love for us should be the driving force to build into the lives of all whom we come into contact with.

Marriage is not a contract that can be broken.  Rather, it’s a commitment to build upon.  Just like we need to wait all year to see the incredible colors of fall, the beauty of marriage will only get better with time as we show our spouse, with God’s help, how much we truly love and value them.

As we celebrate another year, I am thankful for my wife. She is truly a blessing from God, and I look forward to hopefully sharing many more autumns together.

Have a great day! 😊

Using the Father’s Gifts

Many of us enjoy receiving gifts.  A present may be something that we need, or simply an item that we will enjoy.  They are something that a family member or friend gives us – often with much thought and love behind it.  

But, what about spiritual gifts?  Do we think the same way about them?  

If you’ve spent much time in God’s Word, the idea of spiritual gifts comes up many times.  In fact, sermons have been preached and books written on this subject.

In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul shares with us a list of the seven gifts:  prophecy, service, teaching, encouragement, giving, leadership and mercy.  Each Believer is given at least one of these gifts – and often, we may have received multiple ones.  

Years ago, I often thought that these gifts would be played out throughout my vocation – as well as opportunities to be used at church. Before I go further, no, I don’t believe that I was equipped to offer prophecy or be a teacher. But I do love to help people – and have wanted to own trucks since I was a young child, so I thought that God would bless me with my own fleet as a means to serve others.

Perhaps, the idea of using gifts in such a manner was naïve – even a little self-serving.  In that line of thinking, it was easy to think that the Creator would bless my plans.     

While gifts are certainly presents that we’re given, they are not just for our own enjoyment and purposes.  We’ve been blessed with these gifts as a means of honoring God and showing His love to others.  Sometimes, God will use our jobs and vocations as a means to exercise His gifts.  Other times, it may be through opportunities at church, in the community, at home – or in other places where He will use you and me.

Over the years, I’ve learned that our gifts won’t always be used in the ways that we expect. We don’t always get to define the terms of how God will use us. In fact, we may be surprised by some of the ways that He uses us and the opportunities that we’re blessed with.

There are also seasons when our gifts may seem to lie dormant.  Yet, that doesn’t mean that we’ve lost those gifts, or that God is done using us.  Rather, there are seasons when He may be preparing us for a new opportunity to be used.  We must remember that each moment of our lives is never wasted by God!  Even in those moments when we don’t feel that our gifts are being utilized, you and I must continue to serve our Creator and be available to His calling for us.

Friend, the gifts that God has given us are essential to the lives of others. Allow me to encourage you to use the gifts that the Creator has blessed you with. Even in those moments when we don’t feel like we’re being used, you and I must be patient. The Father is at work in the hearts and lives of others – preparing opportunities to use us. Let me encourage you to remain faithful in His service.

Have a great day! 😊

The Ministry of Friendship

From our earliest adolescence, each person has a desire for friendship and belonging. We all gravitate towards people who have similar interests, beliefs and show a sincere interest in who we are. Our earliest relationships are often made with family – parents, siblings and others with whom we have frequent contact.

As we grow up and mature, friendships change.  I’m sure that you have noticed this in your own life.  

Some people keep the same circle of friends.  Others adapt and their groups may change as members come and go.

Yet, there are many who never find that group of people to belong to.  Or at least it takes them years to develop those relationships where they finally feel that they belong.

I’ve heard it said before that we don’t have to be friends with everyone.  It’s hard to build a friendship with someone who won’t make time for you.  Yet, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t at least try.  

What about people who have issues that make it difficult to build friendships?  How about someone with a learning challenge or some other diagnosis that may cause them to be wired differently?  Their differences should not be viewed as a hindrance to being accepted, but as a blessing – because they can view things in truly remarkable, beautiful ways that you and I may never see.  Yet, because of how God uniquely created them, relationships aren’t always easy to maintain – although they may try their hardest to build them.  In fact, it can be hard to watch them get left behind by their peers.

I understand the difficulty of relating to someone who is different.  It’s not easy.  Yet, there can be beauty in those friendships.  

Saying this, I realize that not every relationship is healthy.  In fact, there are many that are truly harmful.  There should at least be a large dose of caution exercised in those types of encounters.

Looking at John 15, Jesus calls His disciples friends.  He invites them into a relationship with Him and His Father.  

Think about what the Savior did there.  He went on to differentiate between a friend and a servant.  Christ could have treated His followers as being beneath Him.  Yet, the Savior elevated them into a position where they were enabled to have fellowship with Him – definitely not the standing of a slave or servant.

If we were to think about this more, consider who those twelve men were.  One would betray Him.  Another would deny Jesus.  Others would desert Him.  Yet, eleven of them would go on to either die, or at least be persecuted for their relationship with the risen Savior.  

We often elevate people on who they are, or what we can get out of a relationship. What Jesus did was to raise people who had been dead men – like you and me before coming to Him. He allowed them to come and have a relationship with Him. In fact, the Savior still does that to this day. If you have placed your faith in Him, He has done that for you, as well – even as we still hurt or betray Him with our reckless words and actions?

Friend – because that’s what I believe you are, let’s look out for the best interest of others.  We live in a world where many people are suffering.  You and I should not add to their pain by withholding our friendship from them.

We have the privilege of ministering to others by sharing God’s love as we build honorable friendships with them. In fact, what we may see as a kindness towards others, may in fact be a way that God shows His love and grace to you and me.

Have a great day! 😀

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Colossians 3:12 (NIV)

Choosing Gratitude

Thanksgiving is here again.  It’s a time when we reflect on our blessings – and of course enjoy time around the table with family and friends.

As this holiday season approached this year, the word “gratitude” seemed to pop up several times.  I saw it on signs different places and heard several people mention it.

Gratitude of course means to be grateful or thankful.  We may think about this idea of giving thanks for things like our houses, good health and loving family.  It seems easy to be thankful for the people who we love to spend time with.  Finding gratitude for the things and activities that we enjoy often comes easily for us.

But are we always grateful?  

When a sleepless child or barking dog wakes us up out of a sound sleep, are we very amused?  Or how do we accept a bad health report that we receive about us or a loved one?  The loss of work or some painful memory can also cause us to feel deep discontentment, confusion and disappointment.

There are times when we feel that no one sees our pain.  We may even think that God has turned a blind eye to whatever we’re going through.  

Yet, how often do you and I give thanks to God for what we have?  Do we look for things to be thankful for?

I know that I don’t always do that.  I should – but unfortunately, I don’t.  

While we may not be able to change the outcome of something that seems unpleasant, you and I do have the ability to manage how we’ll respond to it.  Every incident, both good and bad, has the potential to teach us something.  What we do with each opportunity is up to us.  Will we look for ways to grow from each occurrence?  More importantly, will you and I seek to praise God and thank Him for walking through each experience that we go through?   

Every item, experience and person that you and I encounter should be seen as an opportunity to grow.  While some of those lessons may be painful at the time, they can still have a positive effect on us.  

You see, friend, we’re all like buildings.  Everything that we go through is part of the “building process” used to help us become the people who God intended us to be.  In a house restoration or remodeling process, walls get torn down, old electrical systems and plumbing may get torn out.  Once these things are done, new drywall and flooring can be added, while updated wiring and water lines can be installed.

It can be hard to have gratitude when we’re feeling stretched or hurt.  Sometimes we have a hard time looking past our pain.  Yet, we can choose to allow our experiences to help us grow – if we don’t allow them to fester and inflict more hurt.  We have a choice in being thankful or not.

Gratitude has the ability to change circumstances.  By reflecting on what we have to be thankful for, you and I are able to see God’s blessings in ways that allow us to be an encouragement to others. 

Thanksgiving is a good time to count our blessings and reflect on the idea of gratitude.  Let’s choose to find something to be thankful for every day.

Have a great day!  😊

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.’” – Lamentations 3:22-24 (NIV)

The New Pup

As a parent, we want our children to succeed in life.  Most fathers and mothers will do whatever they can to see that their sons and daughters grow up to be healthy, well-adjusted young people.

I’ve been thinking about this as our family recently welcomed a Goldendoodle pup into our home.  Coming on the heels of a storm that caused much damage to our region, this young dog has also brought much more activity into our lives.

The puppy has a good disposition, and we hope that she will make for a great companion for our son who has ADHD. Yet in the meantime, her playfulness is something that we’re all getting used to – and to be honest, I am still wondering at times why I approved of having a dog in the house. So much for peace and quietness around here!

It’s fun to watch our puppy play.  She can entertain herself – and us!  Yet, being so young, she also wants to be around my wife, son and I – and get underfoot.  I have quickly learned to enjoy the moments when this young dog is asleep.  It’s at those times when she looks peaceful – not getting into mischief, and allowing rest for my wife and I, as well.

Looking ahead, we hope that this young puppy will be a great match for our boy. Yet, it’s so easy to grow frustrated in the here and now – especially as the playful pup does things that she shouldn’t be doing.

Even with all of the chaos of the past few weeks around here, I’m reminded of different ways that God has brought blessings into my life.  Many times, those gifts were disguised in lessons to learn.  Rather than being thankful for them, I have to admit that I haven’t always seen them as valuable teaching moments intended to draw me closer to my Heavenly Father.  As a result, those opportunities were not always well-appreciated.  

Perhaps you can relate?

Also, how often do we act like that young dog?  Is it possible that we try our Father’s patience, as well?

God is gracious with us as we continually try the boundaries of His grace.  Yet in the Father’s gentleness, He lovingly draws us back to Himself.  Like that young puppy, we are in constant need of His companionship.  Yet, the Father never thinks that we get underfoot.  In fact, He wants us to spend time with Him – even coming with all of our prayer requests, burdens and fears.  Knowing God, He never thinks about sending us away because we’ve exhausted His grace and love.

With a little training, I’m hoping that all of us – my wife, son, myself and our pup will better adjust to one another.  In the same way, by leaning in closer to God and applying His Word to our lives, we will grow in our maturity and love for the Father as we learn to follow and obey Him.

There’s always going to be things that will stretch us – like an ornery, fun-loving Goldendoodle.  Yet, you and I can know that we’re never alone – and that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Have a great day! 😊

Seeing Others as a Blessing

When was the last time that you met someone who you thought was different?  Perhaps, they talked with an accent, or they didn’t share the same interests with you.  Their ethnicity, social status, religious beliefs or education may be what sets them apart.  He or she may have what we perceive to be a disability.  

From an early age, we are comparing ourselves with other people. Unfortunately, we are often taught to see others’ differences negatively . How we react to one another says more about us than it does them.

Some individuals are blessed with an ability to attract others to them.  Others spend their lives struggling to build and maintain meaningful relationships.

In our rush to label and categorize others, we often miss out on the blessings of who they are. It seems as if many people would rather place labels on others, than find out who another being truly is. Each person brings a certain richness – whether it’s by their unique perspectives, personalities, talents or simply by being the individual who God has made them to be.

When we judge people, you and I are really telling God that He either did a good or bad job at creating another person. Do we really have that right? Should someone else be able to tell Him that He made a mistake when we were created? In Psalm 139, you and I are told that we’re wonderfully made. So, as much as that’s true about the person whose raised with every advantage and is popular, then that same truth must also apply to those who are disabled or have faced difficulties – perhaps since their childhood.

We’re surrounded by people who are different than us every day. They may not think, act, talk or look like us. Yet, they’re individuals who God dearly loves – and has placed in our lives because He loves both them and us. Let’s make sure that we see each person as a gift from the Father – and treat them as the precious gift who they really are.

Have a great day!  😊

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Are You Leaving Things Better?

Each of us have countless opportunities in life. We may recognize some of those moments. Yet, at other times, you and I may not be aware of them.

Whether we realize it or not, each one of us has been given unique gifts and talents. These blessings aren’t for us to keep to ourselves, but for the benefit of others.

Having been involved in 4-H for many years, their motto “To Make The Best Better!” has special significance to me. While that program was geared to help individuals grow, it also helped to foster a sense of serving others.

But, making things better isn’t just a value promoted to me by a youth program. We see this lesson throughout the Bible as well.

God’s desire is to have a relationship with each one of us. Since the fall in the garden, He instituted ways to have fellowship with people. Yet, at the right time, God “made the best better” – through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.

We’re all given opportunities to make things better – by giving back to others and improving the communities that we call home. Yet, for Christ-followers, that blessing to serve should be at the core of who we are – because that’s the nature of the Holy Spirit who lives within us.

Let’s look for ways to serve others and help improve the communities around us. We have a great opportunity to show God’s redeeming love while making the best better!

Have a great day! 😀

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

Lessons From Mom

Today is a special day for our family.  It’s an opportunity to celebrate my mother on her birthday.  As I reflect on Mom, many things come to mind.  (Many of these thoughts could also describe my father, as well.) 

Sympathy is one of those qualities that come to mind when I think about Mom.  Whether it’s taking care of a sick child or being there to lend a listening ear, she’s always available to help out when needed.  Mom has always been an advocate for her family – looking out for their best interests.  She and Dad are examples who have also shown my sister and me what it means to serve others.

Mom also has shown us what it means to love to talk to God.  Prayers don’t always have to end with “Amen” for her – because she looks at prayer as a continual conversation with her Heavenly Father.

Birthdays aren’t days just marked by celebrations, cake and gifts.  They have a way of forcing us to look back at past milestones of our lives.  At the same time, we often look ahead to the future – making plans for what we still want to accomplish. 

As I reflect on Mom’s life on this day, she and Dad have shown us that the greatest fulfillments in life aren’t about achievements and possessions.  Rather, they’re based on the people in their lives – with God at the center. 

This day is another opportunity to consider the blessing that Mom is.  Thanks for showing us what loving God and others should look like.  Happy Birthday, Mom!  We love you!

Have a great day!  🙂

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  –  Psalm 31:30 (NIV)